Essilyn Rambles

oh, look what you've done. you made a fool of everyone.


November 4 2008, 1:57 PM

Jessica Stalker
November 7, 2008
5th Hour

Phosphorus, An Important Nutrient
Phosphorus is a very important nutrient that is in the human diet. It serves many functions that are necessary to live. Also it aids in many different functions and gives the body needed energy for growth and repair. Other than being an important part of every diet, phosphorus is also very interesting. It has an interesting history and comes from many different places a person may never expect. In order to have a well balanced diet it is important for a person to include phosphorus in their daily eating habits. Phosphorus has an interesting history, important functions, and is available from many different sources.
The history of phosphorus is one that many people would not expect. In Greek the prefix phos means light and the suffix phorus means bringing. H. Brandt first isolated it in 1699 by allowing urine to purify before boiling it down to a paste. The industrial production normally derived from the mineral family apatites, containing tricalcium phosphate, of which the Africa continent contains the largest phosphate rock deposits. The rock is heated with sand and carbon in an electric furnace. From this, phosphorus forms as a white vapor. To produce phosphoric acid it can be oxidized in moisture. Phosphoric acid is an important ingredient in making fertilizer. Red phosphorus is used in the manufacture matches, pyrotechnics, pesticides, and other similar things. Phosphorus is an important element for the growth and development of plants and animals. Its compounds also play important part in photosynthesis, metabolism, nerve functions, and other bodily functions.
Phosphorus has many important functions that it performs for the body. Fats, Carbohydrates, and proteins are all utilized by the nutrient. Another thing it is essential for is the growth, maintenance, and repairing of cells. Energy production and proper skeletal growth and tooth development is also something phosphorus is good for. Phosphorous also is essential for the proper function of the kidneys, and the transmission of nerve impulses. In order to include phosphorus in your diet one must eat a variety of food like meat, fish, poultry, eggs, whole grains, and nuts. It is essential to eat these foods to get the benefits of the nutrient.
Phosphorous is more effective with: Vitamin A, Vitamin D, calcium, iron, and manganese. Things in the natural world that it is found in include rocks, soils, and other organic materials. Phosphorus clings tightly to soil particles and is used by plants, so its concentration in clean waters is generally very low. Though this is true phosphorus is found in water in many different forms. It is used in many different fertilizers and other chemicals.
All in all phosphorus is very important, not only for the human diet, but for the natural world. It goes through many different processes and aids in the production of many different things that are in the used by humans. Humans also use it for normal body growth. It is necessary to live. Other than giving the body needed energy, it helps in the function of the nerves and the kidneys. Phosphorus has a very important history, has important functions, and also many different sources and other interesting information.  

Citation Page
"Phosphorus, P ". Etacude. November 4, 2008 <>.
Murphy, Sheila. "General Information on Phosphorus ". BASIN. November 4, 2008 <>.


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October 28 2008, 12:24 PM

Here, love
The leaves are turning russet
In my hands
They are damp
And they smell like fine fermented summer–
- like green moss cloaked branches
That day, when you lay
in your carving of burgundy earth and
buried your face in it – that day
I loved you -
 and wanted to kiss you,
Smell, feel, taste the earth on your skin
Great winds of butterflies are surging
In the ash-colored sky –
I am sending you whispers
On their nimble wings-
-Darling, I love you
I will always.
The wind slices chilly -
Sharp through my window –
You love me like purple,
Purple of the blanket I dreamt you wrapped round me
And I lie curled in every night
violet of sunset and storm
I love you like red –
The poppy petals I pressed
In my journal
The gypsy skirt I wore in the rain
When you kissed me
Red of passionate hearts
Crimson blood that runs –
-this flush of warmth
 when I think of you
This morning a deer
Leapt in the misted meadows
Where we walked –
-in love
My heart leapt too
Autumn in splendor
Memories of you and me
This is –
This is deepest love.
You are my only love.


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Updates I Guess

August 28 2008, 6:17 PM

Hey everyone, my first entry on here. I plan to post up a few layouts that I made for MySpace later. All of them are DIV / overlay. So yeah, I hope to work on some defaults as well soon. I haven't done one of those in a long time. Actually, I can't even remember the last one that I did. That was a just a quick update though. I will tell you more when things progress or whatever seems to happen.


But ok. so today I am the tirdest I have ever been. That isn't shocking. I really believe that coffee and cappuccino even made it worse this time. I really need to get more sleep. If I don't I might go more crazy then I already feel  I am. Either way right now I can't sleep. I tried to. I am just going to have to sit here and zone in and out of attention. Yeah though, I am using this as more of a site to post the different layouts and things that I make. It is a semi-personal update like thing for me. I hope nobody minds that. Other than the tiredness though, my mom and dad are still fighting. Hmm, moving my room downstairs so my mom can have her own bedroom. Oh well, I am sure I will get use to it. Still, I was hopeing all of it would blow over. Apparently my parent's are not that mature. Ha, everyone in this house was already aware of that fact long ago. On top of them never acting like a married couple we are having money problems. I actually had to give my mom the money to pay to take Kobie to the vet. Kobie is my new puppy that we got about two weeks ago. He needs shots, and my mom doesn't have the money. I suppose I understand. We have alot to pay for this year because of school and different thngs. Like a lot all at once and it is just so insane. Yep, basically things are in a whole right now. I am sitll trying to stay positive. It is really hard for me to do. I feel so lost this year so far. I don't know what to do about it. I am starting to feel like there is just no answers to all the questions that have been floating around in my head for the longest time. Ha, I am so negative. I doubt anyone cares. My parents sure don't. They are so blind to reality. All I know is I am falling apart, and that I am getting desperate now. Easier, it needs to be easier. I just can't understand everything, and have the time I feel as if I am in a daze. It is not a good feeling. Especially for being in one so long.

Things are good with the exception of all that. And if I just give it time it should all straighten out. I hope so anyway. So yeah, school starts on Tuesday. I kind of can't wait. But then I never want to go back to that place ever again. Ususally I like school for the most part. It has been different ever since the end of first semester last year though.No, I can't explain, but  yeah. It bothers me, but then I want to see all my friends and all that. I want something more to distract me. Plus, clubs and sports are always a good thing to occupy the time that I have. Usually they always take up a good porion of my time. There are so many of them, and everyone things I am crazy for taking on so much stuff, but I really couldn't care. I love it. I just worry that since I have so many advanced and honors classes this year that it might be hard to get everything done. Especially all of the homework. It might just make me go more crazy then I already am. Oh boy, I really don't know what to expect.

Hmm, I am like really hungry right now. All I ate was like three bites of a cold gross pancake this morning and some juice. But yeah we are having lasagna. I really wish it wasn't so late so I could actually take a nap too. Oh wells. I promise those layouts will be up eventually, and also if you have any request for layourys I would be willing to take a whack at making one for anybody.  They have to be within reason, and please don't bug me to finish them. Sometimes it is hard to find time. That is all I really have to say at the moment.


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  • Female
  • 16 years old


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Page views 615
Last update Nov 4, 2008



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