autumn (go back »)

October 28 2008, 12:24 PM

Here, love
The leaves are turning russet
In my hands
They are damp
And they smell like fine fermented summer–
- like green moss cloaked branches
That day, when you lay
in your carving of burgundy earth and
buried your face in it – that day
I loved you -
 and wanted to kiss you,
Smell, feel, taste the earth on your skin
Great winds of butterflies are surging
In the ash-colored sky –
I am sending you whispers
On their nimble wings-
-Darling, I love you
I will always.
The wind slices chilly -
Sharp through my window –
You love me like purple,
Purple of the blanket I dreamt you wrapped round me
And I lie curled in every night
violet of sunset and storm
I love you like red –
The poppy petals I pressed
In my journal
The gypsy skirt I wore in the rain
When you kissed me
Red of passionate hearts
Crimson blood that runs –
-this flush of warmth
 when I think of you
This morning a deer
Leapt in the misted meadows
Where we walked –
-in love
My heart leapt too
Autumn in splendor
Memories of you and me
This is –
This is deepest love.
You are my only love.


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  • Female
  • 16 years old


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